
访问:时间:2022/5/26 13:54:09




讲座题目:The Mediating Role of a Xu-argument Based Iterative Translation Continuation Task in the Dynamic Relationships between Translation Learning Anxiety and Foreign Language Learning Proficiency and Translation Strategies



主讲教师:张素敏 教授

讲座简介:Growing interest has been shown in the effects of the xu-argument based translation continuation task, which have been mainly explored via the linguistic dimension. The current study, using a pretest-intervention-posttest design, investigated the dynamic relationships among translation learning anxiety, foreign language learning anxiety, and English-Chinese translation strategies under an iterative translation continuation task (ITCT) that lasted 13 turns. The results yielded from 134 student translators showed a significant increase in their translation strategies comprehension and production, with those with a medium level of translation learning anxiety and foreign language learning proficiency achieving the most. It also showed that the significant partial mediating effect of translation learning anxiety between foreign language learning proficiency and the production of translation strategies in the pre-test became insignificant in the post-test, and the insignificant correlation between the comprehension and production of translation strategies in the pre-test became significant in the post-test. The dynamic relationships among translation learning anxiety, foreign language learning proficiency, and translation strategies confirmed the mediating role of the ITCT in attenuating the impact of higher level of translation learning anxiety and lower level of foreign language learning proficiency on the comprehension and use of translation strategies, though its effects could be different for student translators with different levels of translation anxiety and proficiency as measured by different assessments.


张素敏,浙江工商大学特聘教授,博士生导师,二语习得研究专业委员会理事,第二语言加工委员会理事,全国高校外语教育骨干教师高级研修班主讲专家,广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心“续论研究室”研究员,多家国内外知名期刊匿名评审专家。主要研究方向为二语习得、二语加工、汉英对比及翻译认知。曾访学英国Durham University(杜伦大学)和美国UNC(北科罗拉多大学)。先后主持国家社会科学基金项目、教育部哲学社会科学基金项目、河北省哲学社会科学基金项目等各级项目20余项,在《外语教学与研究》、《现代外语》、《外国语》、《外语界》、System、PsyCh Journal、Frontiers in Psychology等期刊上发表文章50余篇,专著2部,译著2部。曾先后6次荣获省部级奖励。

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